
Lighting Up Africa…Starting At The Grassroots Level

To light up Africa, we know what we have to do. We need learning, expertise and mastery. We need technical institutes and research units.

We need business schools and colleges of science. We need people to meet, trade, exchange, challenge, fertilise… Any visionary leader of Africa, any strategic plan for Africa, must have these components as the basic building blocks.
We are lucky we live in the era of internet and mobile connectivity. If we can deliver just those vital tools to our people we can make huge advancements in one generation.

Focus on just a handful of high-impact things: quality education at all levels, health; roads and infrastructure; communication and connectivity. The rest will all follow from there.

If we want Africa to lit up, we need to worry about knowledge, not electricity (and products and services and incomes) will come, as sure as day follows night.

It is in this spirit that we are embarking on the creation of The Premier Fanya Mambo Center, a center for music, arts, crafts, integrated fish farming and appropriate technologies training in Western Kenya – the first one in a proposed minimum of 14 -. We have already acquired a 12acre piece of land and developed a master plan for the project implementation.

Our first fundraiser towards the center’s creation will be held in Nairobi at a place called Maringo Estate, in a local pub called Sailors Place on the 10th of August 2014. Special thanks to all the performing artists who have volunteered to make this one of a kind event a success. The event is the first in a series to be held in different supporting venues around Nairobi City, Kenya.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to like our new events page on Facebook, Mizizi Mashinani ( This is where we will be sharing information of all the upcoming events and the fundraising progress. While at it, remember to also invite your friends to like the page too. We will also be setting up a crowd funding initiative in one of the crowd funding sites soon. This will allow all the people of goodwill to donate towards our cause no matter where they are worldwide.

Just like the wise man called Socrates once said, “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” on behalf of the entire Fanya Mambo Crew, i welcome you to join us on ensuring this one of a kind initiative becomes a reality. Lets build a new sustainable future for our  brothers and sisters who might be trapped at the bottom of the pyramid.

#ActionIsKey #MiziziMashinani #FanyaMamboFoundation #GiveAHelpingHand

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