Mizizi Mashinani is a Swahili phrase that simply means “Roots at the grassroots level”. It is in the spirit alongside Fanya Mambo Foundation’s motto of “Everyone can do it!”, that we roll out to you a unique, one of a kind initiative by the people, for the people, at the grassroots level! MIZIZI MASHINANI! Where […]
Archive | Fanya Mambo News

Lighting Up Africa…Starting At The Grassroots Level
To light up Africa, we know what we have to do. We need learning, expertise and mastery. We need technical institutes and research units. We need business schools and colleges of science. We need people to meet, trade, exchange, challenge, fertilise… Any visionary leader of Africa, any strategic plan for Africa, must have these components […]

The Progress So Far…
After a three weeks break, the schools finally open today the 6th of May. The good news is that during the break, our educator managed to mark all the exams the children did as part of the environmental education program. Their overall performance was very much encouraging, over three quarters of the participating children scored […]

Soldiering On… Moving On…
Working together with three local waste management youth groups, participating school children and other community members, we conducted a community clean-up exercise around the entire Maringo Estate on Saturday the 6th of April. Even though some of the invited guests did not show up, we are grateful for those who did! We are especially thankful […]

2012 Into 2013
Sailing through the past year, a year that brought with it calamities of unimaginable magnitudes in Kenya like the prolonged severe drought, the strange disease outbreaks that affected both humans and food crops as well and the unexpected flooding that displaced thousands from their homes recently, we find solace and hope through all the positive […]

Join Us In Teaching Others How To Fish
The HOLIDAYS SEASON is finally here! I take this opportunity to wish you all “HAPPY HOLIDAYS”. During this period, I hope you will consider making a gift to our cause CHILDREN RECYCLING PLASTICS! We are at EUR 1,848 but still need EUR 1,777 to achieve our target of EUR 3,625. You can make a gift […]

Alarming Facts! Something’s About To Hit Us Hard!
Today I invite you to ponder with me the thought provoking facts I bumped onto while doing some research on how best we can recycle our waste especially of organic material. Well here are a few; “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course… No more than one or few decades remain […]
Fanya Mambo Foundation 2012
Much greetings, I hope this finds you well and with the best of health. Just want to keep you on the loop and to let you in on Fanya Mambo future plans. Its been 15 months since the inception of Fanya Mambo and it has certainly proved to be an eventful time. Against a background […]

The Fanya Mambo “Old Trafford” Eating Place
As one of our income generating activities, we have embarked on the construction of a unique eatery in Nairobi’s Buruburu Estate Phase two. In line with our commitment to green construction methods,Parts of the wall and the furniture in this structure are to be made out of Eco-blocks. Not to mention that we will […]
Eco Bricks: The Fundamental Innovation
Fanya Mambo Program realizes that in one moment within the development humanity, we broke the circle of life and left the respect for nature behind and without thinking we have contaminated all what we need to survive: water, air and soil. Now we need to understand the consequences this contamination brings to the human being […]